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B2P Tubing Head Adapter

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VigorPetro offers a wide range of B2P Tubing Head Adapter for various applications.


Tubing Head Adapter (B2P) - Specifications

Flange Size (inches) Working Pressure (psi) Studded Top Bottom Thread
7-1/16 2,000 2-1/16" 2,000 psi 2-3/8" EUE
7-1/16 3,000 2-1/16" 5,000 psi 2-3/8" EUE
7-1/16 3,000 2-9/16" 5,000 psi 2-7/8" EUE
7-1/16 3,000 3-1/18" 5,000 psi 3-1/2" EUE
7-1/16 5,000 2-1/16" 5,000 psi 2-3/8" EUE
7-1/16 5,000 2-9/16" 5,000 psi 2-7/8" EUE
7-1/16 5,000 3-1/8" 5,000 psi 3-1/2" EUE



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Address:No.16, Shunhe Road,  Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, P.R.China
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